Monday, October 8, 2012
Gloom, Doom & the Economic Collapse of America
Recently, I have discovered and been influenced by a genre of fiction and BLOGS that can be described as apocalyptic with regard to the potential collapse of our country as a result of any number of catastrophes (an EMP, an Economic Collapse, a New Ice Age, or a Coronal Mass Ejection) that might return us to the 18th century. No electricity, no cars, no fuel, no running water, no food, no sanitation, no health care, no law enforcement. Martial Law with UN Troops on US soil , FEMA Camps, roving gangs of looters, people facing starvation, separation from their loved ones and ultimately the death of millions of people for a myriad of reasons.
One motto of the news media is, "if it bleeds it leads" thus, we are constantly hearing about the latest catastrophe from around the corner or around the world. Greece and Spain are in default and chaos, Israel and Iran are staring each other down, our embassies are being attacked, our Congress can't work together, Ben Brenanke and the Fed are printing money and spending us, our children, and grandchildren into economic slavery and worst of all our troops are dying in the middle east in countries that don't like us and obviously don't want us there...
How do you find balance between those who say the world is going to end on December 21st (it's not by the way) and those who throw a hurricane party when a category 5 hurricane (Katrina) is bearing down on them? I have spent countless hours pondering these questions to the point that my wife is beginning to wonder about my sanity (I'm wondering about it as well...).
Here is my opinion about all of this.
First and foremost it is very possible that we are already experiencing an economic collapse. But you say, Greg the stock market is over 13,500 the highest in years, interest rates are low, I just refinanced my home at 3.5%, and I sold some scrap gold and got a bunch of money...
Have you ever had a wreck when things kind of went into slow motion? You could see what was happening but you were powerless to stop it.
Yes the stock market is very high just like it was in 2008 before the most recent crash, before the housing crash and before the great recession that has probably more than 15% of our people out of work.
Yes interest rates are low, so low in fact that many who rely on interest income to survive are not keeping pace with inflation.
Yes gold and silver are doing very well but these precious metals are a hedge against a collapse and many countries and individuals are loading up on gold right now. Why would they do this, particularly if historically it has not been an investment that has provided a good return?
Have you been to the gas station lately? Gas has more than doubled since Obama took office.
Have you shopped for food lately? Food costs have risen significantly and we have yet to feel the effects of this summers drought at the cash register...
Water rates have tripled in some cities as they maintain their crumbling infrastructure.
The Bible states that the borrower is slave to the lender and man are we borrowing! From the Fed to families we borrow on everything. Do you know that our government borrows 40 cents of every dollar they spend? The difference between us and the government is that eventually we run out of money to borrow. The Fed just prints more money. China is bankrolling our lack of fiscal discipline and when they want to get their money or if they stop loaning us money things could get very bad very fast.
So are we already experiencing the economic collapse or should we continue to party like it is 1999?
Friday, June 15, 2012
Water an Essential Resource - Part II
We have also added a third barrel to collect overflow when we have a good rain. We accomplished this by cutting a 3/4" hole near the top of an original barrel and inserting a PVC pipe to move the water from barrel A to barrel B.
We filled a 4th stand alone barrel by filling it with water from a barrel just prior to a big rain. Thus, we currently have four 55 gallon barrels to capture and store over 200 gallons of water when they are full.
I have noted that using a watering can to water the vegetables gives me the ability to focus on specific plants versus using a sprinkler which waters everything but wastes a some water as well.
We'll have to wait and see if the water bill is significantly less this summer compared to last year and of course, this assumes that we'll continue to have some nice summer rains.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Water an Essential Resource
Earlier this month we purchased some 55 gallon plastic food grade barrels. Thus far we have converted two to catch rain water from our gutters. These "rain barrels" collect 55 gallons of water for every half inch of rain that falls. I was very surprised at just how much water came off a small portion of our roof! Here are pictures of the initial purchase and after it was plumbed and painted.
We inverted the barrels, cut a hole in the top, added a screen to keep out debris and mosquitoes, and positioned the gutter to empty right over the hole in the barrel. We have raised the barrels up off the ground and have added a short piece of hose to fill our watering can.
Friday, April 20, 2012
I remember the first time I saw "TEOTWAWKI". I thought what the heck is that? As I dug a little deeper I began to discover that I needed to wake up and get my act together...
TEOTWAWKI stands for, The End Of The World As We Know It. What the heck does that mean anyway? Let's unpack this a just a bit. First, "The World As We Know It" assumes and enjoys an infinite supply of clean tap water, natural gas, electricity, gasoline, and grocery store shelves stocked with food. Thus, "The End" of all that would be characterized by a complete lack, absence, or severe shortages of clean tap water, natural gas, electricity, gasoline, and empty grocery store shelves.
We live in a country that follows the rule of law that is supported by law enforcement. TEOTWAWKI would by definition find law enforcement severely hampered or non-existent.
There are numerous events that could cause TEOTWAWKI, and I have no crystal ball to predict what that might be. There is no way to prepare for every possible cause but there are general preparations that each of us can make.
First consider what are likely events that could create a TEOTWAWKI scenario for your specific area and how long would that scenario typically last? The length of time that a hurricane or blizzard brings chaos is very different from an economic problem that closes the banks, an EMP from the sun or enemy that cripples our electric grid, or a dirty bomb that leaves an area uninhabitable for decades.
A hurricane might create a need to leave a "bug out" situation or a "hunker down" and ride it out scenario. To leave you would want to have a reliable vehicle, some fuel in reserve just in case the local tanks are empty, some non-perishable food and water with you, an idea of where you are heading, maps for alternate routes, and some "roughing it" supplies - think camping trip.
If you choose to "hunker down" and ride it out consider some period of time that you might be isolated and without water, natural gas, electricity, gasoline, and grocery store shelves stocked with food. (think Katrina) What will you eat? How will you cook it? Do you have enough water for a week? Do you have any idea of how much water you will need to drink, cook, wash dishes, flush toilets, bathe, etc.? If looters come calling what will you do? Will you roll over and let them take your food, or your car, Rape or murder you or a family member?
Now is the time to prepare not the day the "storm" hits. By this time it's simply too late, the stores will be empty, gas stations will be empty, and the ATM's will be cleaned out or won't work. All of the preceding will accelerate if the power is out - no food, gas, or ATM'S! At least have enough cash on hand to pay $10-$15 a gallon for gasoline to fill your tank and get out of town; 20 gallons @ $15 / gallon = $300, they won't take your credit or debit card!